Get to Know Us
Synergy Performance Associates is a UK based group of coaches and training consultants who
originally came together as part of Synergy Global Pty, an international organisational development
company. When Synergy Global Pty was wound down, on the retirement of its founder, we decided we enjoyed each other’s support and creativity so we would work together in the UK. Synergy Performance Associates (SPA) was formed in 2022 allowing us to continue to work together and develop effective programmes for organisations. The objective is to help our clients increase the performance and wellbeing of their teams and individuals.
We offer the following services which will be customised and delivered to your and your organisation's needs.
4-D System
Gain between 5-15%
improvement in team
Harrison Assessments
Empower individuals, teams and organisations to achieve their potential
Coaching for Business Success
Create a positive impact on individuals, teams and organisations